He was staying over with a friend. I phoned to arrange to pick him up.

She asked if he could stay another night. As I had to work the next day, and she was to be home that day, and it would be nice for him to have the company,  reluctantly I said yes.

I called after work the next night to arrange to pick him up and she would not answer the phone. I emailed and her response was frightening. I called again and did get her and she told me she had another dog in mind for me.

I had left him with her overnight.

We were friends.

He was my dog. Yet, could I prove it?

Well, you might think so if I had his paperwork. Yet because I had left him with her, I could not prove that I had not “left him” with her, basically given him up to her.

In the eyes of the law, or at least the police, dogs are property.

After an 8 month painful wait without him, I got him back.

This is only part of the story. Yet the purpose of this is to say to you, if you leave your dog with someone you know, or don’t know, make sure you have a contract specifying you have left them temporarily.

Don’t trust on faith.

Stay tuned for the rest of this story. There are many lessons to be learned from it.