How many German dogs are there?
What is the German word for dog? Yes, it is an easy one, it is hunde
Well, everyone knows the German Sheppard don’t they?
Captain von Stephanitz registered the first German Sheppard Dog. In German it is- Deutsche Schäferhunde.
Yet, there are so many other dogs whose origin comes from Germany
Here are just a few
Boxer- he is not really wearing boxing gloves and he is really a friendly dog. I remember we had boxers next door when I was 8 years old and I was afraid of them, yet I would put my hand in the mouth of any other dog, I am told. I am not afraid of them now as I know better. They are lovely dogs.
He was developed in 19th century Germany from German Mastiffs and English Bulldogs, ( so is he truly German) perhaps a Brit –German, or is it a German-Brit. What incredible things can happen when Britain and Germany partner.
I have an uncle (well really he is not much older than me so we don’t call him uncle, just by his first name), and his lovely wife- and this is a British and German union unshakable and unstoppable
Dachshund- can you guess. Is is a hound that dashes? No that is a whippet)
Actually the name is German as is the origin of the dog. Dachshund—in German dach, which means “badger,” and hund, which means “dog”. Yes, the hunted badgers.
Doberman pinscher- not known for certain it seems yet it is thought that the Doberman Pinscher originated in Germany around 1900. Its name may come from tax collector Louis Dobermann of Apolda, who may have used the old short haired shepherd, Rottweiler, Black and Tan Terrier and the German Pinscher to create a medium size dog who could be a guard dog as well as companion. Did he use the dog to collect taxes?
And the Miniature Pinscher (called the Min Pin so often that we forget its fill name)
German short haired pointer (referred to as GSP by those who own one)
German Short haired Pointers were created to be multipurpose hunting dogs in the mid- to late nineteenth century. Dogs that were forerunner to the GSP are the German Pointer or German Bird Dog. These were a cross of Spanish Pointers and Bloodhounds. So again, is a GSP really German, or part Spanish then.
German Long haired pointer (so is that a GLP?
German wire haired pointer (and GWP?)
Great Dane- Yes I thought this was a Danish dog, who wouldn’t, yet it has its origin in Germany apparently
The Great Dane may be a descendant of the Mastiff. It is a beautiful loving and calm and gentle giant of a dog. He was developed in Germany to hunt wild boar, and was called also the Boar Hound
I remember meeting one in an antique shop once -no he was not an antique. He was calmly lying in the centre of the shop, ready to greet all the customers.
Giant Schnauzer- (well schnauzer, you could have guessed as German
And the Miniature schnauzer
Leonberger -The Leonberger was created in the town of Leonberg, in Germany.
I remember seeing a group of three of them one day, what a sight for sure.
Munsterlander – I thought this was a Dutch dog too, yet not. This comes in both small and large. The large is a hunting dog developed in Germany, in the Munsterland of North west Germany.
Rottweiler- just sounds German, and it is.
Weimeraner- this is the dog that started my serious dog affliction over 25 years ago. The great grey ghost! A wonderful dog! The one I knew was called Electra.
There are over 30 breeds of dogs from Germany.
Why are there so many German dogs? And how many British dogs are there I wonder?
The following are the references -For more information see