Is your dog your valentine?


It’s Valentine’s Day

Is your dog your valentine?

Or is that just silly!!

Well, maybe, maybe not.

I am single and my dog is my companion

He goes with me wherever he is allowed to go. (And that should be everywhere- I am working on that)

Ok, if I had a partner I sure would like flowers, but, I can buy flowers for myself- tomorrow.

Oh and I really like those little heart shaped candy with little sayings on them. But I can get some of those too – tomorrow.



So today I celebrate- For the love of the dog. It is doggy valentine’s day

He is my valentine today

If you think it is crazy, well it is ok because there are millions of people who do the same thing.

Just Google search doggy valentine, or is your dog your valentine, or valentines card for dogs. And when you come back it will be tomorrow.


O but wait don’t go yet. Why don’t you click on this link and join my web site.


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It is all about dogs and ok, cats too.  Become a member, tell us your story about your dog, and share something that might help someone else. You will see information about dogs and cats, services for dogs and cats, and products I like, and in our special section  PetArtisan you will see pet art. I am the feature artist there. Why not have a painting of your dog for Valentine’s Day. Order it today

 And membership is free for a limited time (and always free to those who join before March 31 2016..

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Why is my dog my valentine?


My dog is always there to greet me when I get home- He really seems to be happy I am home

He always happily eats what I give him- and does not care where he eats- a bowl on his dog stand suits him just fine

He loves going on long walks with me and when I am with him I always meet people and talk to them- I would not have met and talked to so many people if not for him

He helps keep me fit- I walk with him at least an hour a day, sometimes 3 (not when it is raining though as he is not a fan of rain)

I believe he absolutely adores me- I have no evidence to the contrary


Ok he does not bring me flowers or candy, but for all he does do, he is my valentine

Unconditional love of a dog is so important.

We have domesticated them, we owe them love. They owe us nothing, yet they keep on love us.

Share your love with your dog today.

If you don’t have a dog, then visit someone who does. Maybe you have a grand dog?

Take a dog for a walk today and see how you simply cannot feel anything but happy to be alive.

For the love of a dog.