Pick up after your dog   View This Page Fullscreen  Print This Page View the comments for this page  View the RSS Feed    Vote this page Up  Vote this page Down

Do you own a dog? Do you pick up after it?

No I don’t mean its clothing or its toys, though some of you are likely doing that too. I know my own dog likes to strew toys about the room. Stuffed bunny is his favourite toss toy.

I mean the bathroom pick up. Of course. Being polite. Ok, what do you want to call it? Poo, Feces, droppings, whatever it is your dog has to do it at least twice a day generally, and since we domesticated them so many years ago, it is our job to look after them. As most of us don’t have a private bathroom just for our dogs to use, (no, I don’t have one do you?) and it is common place for a dog to use the great outdoors, we have to pick it up.

Yes, pick it up. It is the rule. Everywhere.

I remember telling a friend of mine; now this is few years ago, that I picked up after my dog. He was shocked that I would do that as where he comes from, you just let it be. (I think that should be left as a Beatles song)

Can you image if all dog owners did that? What a mess!

And now, what do we do with our dog droppings? What is the law as to disposing of it? It seems a bit murky at the moment, or should I say muddy. Where I live one is not supposed to put dog refuse in the garbage. Yet we are required to pick it up.

How much dog refuse goes in our waste system and what is the long term effect? Well I am no expert on that.  I am certain though, it is not good.

Can we make gas out  it? It has been tried.  Check out this story. Apparently so.


This is about a renewable power scheme called Poopy power.


This was published in April 2013 and is the property of the daily mail.  What has happened since then, I am not sure. Follow it up and find out.


Who will pay to build a plant to refine dog dropping into something useful for humans?  I think if it is a money making proposition, someone will do it.


This one, property of Huffington post and written by Dr Reese Halter, is very interesting too. Who knew this? What a difference it could make.


And there is countess more information on the web about this. Just Google it yourself.



Flush it down the toilet we have now been told. Fine, makes sense, that is what we do with ours, yet lots of us do not have a flushing system that allows that much extra to be disposed of that way. What would be the result of that?  I can’t think about it. O wait, I just did. No, not pretty.


In any event, wherever you live, what I want to say today first and foremost, is

please, please  pick up after your dog!!!!


Have you ever stepped in it? Had a child play in it? You know how unpleasant that is.

I know it looks weird to those who don’t have dogs, and the dog well, what is he/she thinking? Yes we are owned by the dogs and they are the boss, as here we are in a modern day world, with answers for everything (well not me you understand), yet we follow around and stoop down to the ground and pick up after our dog. 

Yet, they are our “family”. At least that is how I feel about mine. Until someone invents a toilet facility we can use on our walks, (doggy out houses?) we are faced with picking up after them, and if you love them, and have respect for the rest of the people and animals that share our space, you will pick up too.

Thanks for doing your part

Join us at bowwowwowmeow.com 


and tell us the law where you live, and how you are following it. do you have any helpful ideas to share? 

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