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Citizen Canine Companion SocietyPaws for LoveNewsletter Volume 2 December 2020Opening statement:This is the second newsletter for Citizen Canine Companion (CCC). For a brief history from inception to June 2020 and more about who we are, please read Volume 1. Included in this second volume as usual- a letter from the president, as well as some news, and information.Letter from the president:This newsletter comes to you as we continue to be in a difficult time in the world in general and in our country and communities. Many continue to stay at home, or are at home more than normal. Many continue to work long hours providing essential services. Some find themselves at home with one or more family members and others are alone. Yet one is never alone if they have a dog, or a cat, or even a bird or any creature. This is a difficult time also for our fur or feathered companions. Our focus is on dogs, as one can tell by the name, yet all of these creatures play a part. They are there for us all the time we are home, and or when we come home from our long day. Your dog can generally read your mood and can become very gloomy, if you are. How can I say that? I am not an expert, yet I have seen it for myself. I know. I talk to him, take him for his 3 walks a day in the neighbourhood or vicinity, or play his toss the stuffed bunny game if it is raining, and I dance for him, and sing for him, and generally make him feel like I am happy even if I am not. Yet also there are times when he just knows he needs to be there closer to me. As he ages also he has become a Velcro dog.Sing and Dance for your dog (ok choose one if you can’t walk and talk at the same time)Read more in A Job for a Dog in this volumeAbout Citizen Canine Companion (CCC): Our focus is to improve the acceptance of dogs in our society, and to help more people become aware of their importance in our lives and our well being. Our dog is our “Citizen Canine Companion.” Citizen Canine Companion - For the love of the dog. I am the founder Margaret Halsey and President. It became a Registered Not for Profit society in British Columbia on February 28 2017.Accomplishments and Projects include: As I look at the last 6 months I wonder, what have we accomplished and I am sad as I feel like we have not accomplished anything, because you cannot see it in the result of a new fence, new books, or other visible things, yet I remind myself that the overall mission of CCC is to promote the importance of all dogs in society and in particular for our well being, and I know that we continue to do that. Every day when I am out there walking, people comment on Smyth (no one looks at me) and say how lovely he is. Children love him, everyone seems to. Every day I make at least one person smile, well he does, yet I am with him. We see other dogs and we see other people all doing the same thing; and so even though there are no big projects under way right now, we are still out there and in here, continuing to be the spokesperson for the dog, the companion dog, the friend, our local and faithful partners.The existing projects are: Fences: Dog faces can be seen on lanes in New Westminster. These dogs (and some cats) bring happiness to those that walk by. The fences are: Dogs of 6th and Devoy and Friends - in the lane that runs east west just south of 8th Ave., where 6th ave curls up to intersect (333 east 6th ave) “Cherry lane Canines and Cats- in the lane just north of 8th ave at Cherry St. -it runs east west and north south beside and behind the first house on the west side of Cherry (805 Cherry St.) and there is the extension of Cherry lane. This was done after the book. It is just north in the lane of Cherry lane fence. This fence has 3 dogs (Tavi and Muncie from Devoy St, and Jaxson of the house of Joan) and the two cats that live in the house and the lovely Bertie.80% of the money raised from these fences was allocated to and donated to BC and Alberta Guide Dogs.Books: A book has been produced about two fences. The books include the art from the fence and the stories written by or provided by the dog and cat guardians. Book price is $20. -For Dogs of 6th and Devoy and Friends, and $30. - For Cherry Lane Canines and Cats.Thank you to Joan: Mentioned above is Joan, many will know her from Pharmasave. It was with her encouragement that I approached the owners of the first fence, and really how the fence project began. She knew how much I wanted to do it, and she gave me that little kick I needed.Accomplishments: Over 100 faces have been painted on the 2 fences, $5,000. has been donated to BC and Alberta Guide Dogs and a $2,000 remains in CCC fund to be donated once the next target amount is reached. The $5,000 raised allowed for the naming of a puppy. Bertie is the puppy. Well no puppy now. She is 2 years old. Puppy was named after Herbert (Bert) Joseph Halsey. (See news about Bertie) There was already a Bert in the program.Smyth, the resident CCC is 14.5Who we are: At the moment we continue as a one person organization. Margaret Halsey wears many hats. Margaret is also the artist for the fence, and our logo, and the producer writer for the books, and our newsletter.You have likely seen her walking with her black whippet Smyth in the neigbourhood. Margaret is an artist and a writer. Not only has she been the artist for the fence, and the writer for the parts of the books not contributed by the pet guardians, she paints on canvas and paper, and she has written a novel, and another long in the making, as well as she has written many posts for her web sites Bowwowwowmeow and Petartisan. Her art includes paintings of dogs and of cats, on canvas and paper, and fences, and paintings of scenery and abstracts.Ongoing projects: Pet portraits: With any pet portrait purchased through CCC, 25 % of the purchase price will be donated to your dog or cat charity of choice. If your choice is BCAGD then 50% will be donated. You can have your dog or cat on canvas or paper, in sizes ranging from 6 by 6 inch to as large as 3 feet by 4 feet. Paintings on canvas are done in acrylic, and on paper in pastel and mixed media. If you have wanted your dog on the fence, and are waiting until we find another, you could have a portrait of your pet on a canvas with the background resembling a fence. You could have your dog or cat painted on your own gate or fence, directly on your fence or on a board that would be framed and hung on the fence.Have you noticed any new fences in New Westminster or Burnaby? We are more than ready for a new fence. I have been looking and putting notices in the doors of the houses of the fences I think would be perfect, I have noticed at least six yet so far we do not have one. We need your help to find one. It has to be similar to the existing fences in that it should be over 5 feet tall, preferably facing a lane people frequent. Do you have a dog or cat you would like painted on the next fence? We want to also include not only local dogs and cats, but dogs and cat companions of the dedicated essential workers that wait patiently at home while their guardians are out working in the essential jobs at this difficult time. Please send the pictures by email even before we have a fence. Then we can be ready to paint when the season begins again around March. If you have contacted us before please contact again if you have a dog or cat for the new fence.A job for a dogIt is a well know fact that being a guardian for a dog can improve your health in many ways and increase your life span. It is my belief that this includes bringing calm to an anxious world perhaps not unlike today.As can be seen by the number of dogs recently being adopted, dogs have taken on a very important role during this difficult time.Many people are alone and being in the company of a dog can take the edge off loneliness; in fact eliminate it all together for someone who finds the companionship of the dog the perfect comfort.Smyth is the fourth dog on duty in my home. You can see here he takes his job seriously. I officially went to the dogs 30 years ago. A Dalmatian named Cleo, and two whippets, Pharley and Dijon took on their roles in my life.Before that I was a cat person. They also have a job to do when they are brought into ones home, yet they are much more hands on, or shall I say paws on. A friend of mine just got a cat, and she agrees that they like to contribute. You know if you have one what I mean. They can be seen sitting on your desk, taking the mouse from your computer and taking a much laid back role as feline in charge.We sometimes take our dogs for granted. Maybe we acquire or adopt one expecting them to be the perfect companion and immediately do everything we want. Yet we, 1000’s of years ago, brought them into our lives, and we know that each dog will develop a relationship with its humans, it is not instantaneous and takes work for the person and the dog. Be good to your dog. I sing for mine. Is that why he is hiding his head in the blanket! I do think he likes my dancing though.As I mentioned in my opening letter, we are experiencing difficult times and this can also be a challenge to our pets. With more people around the house if that is the case, their strong hearing and ability to smell are working overtime. While they can be a comfort to those who might suffer from depression or anxiety, a dog may not be immune to such feelings, and these times may be stressful for our companions in as many ways as they are for us. Yet they will be there for us, and we need to be there and aware for them.I hope that this time we are all going through right now does not become the routine though it has altered temporarily many lives and routines. Dogs like routine. I know and I am sure you may have also experienced, when you walk your dog, he or she if given the chance may choose the same route. You would think they would be bored. We like to go on different walks every day or some of us do, as we think we are giving the dogs variety, but it is more for us than for them. Yet they do I am sure enjoy the new smells in the parks and places, we can offer our dogs comfort and safety by taking them on the routine walks in our own neigbourhood. This might be the time to follow your dog, and stay close to home. Also, when you are out walking, if it is in New Westminster, remember to walk by the fences and say hello to all the faces there.You may be one that had to work more hours, and your dog may be alone more. This can be stressful. I know what it is like to be home more. I am well behaved and don’t chew up the furniture, yet this alone time may be new to your pet.Should you get a puppy, an older dog, or should you get a cat hamster or budgie?As I understand it right now it is not easy to adopt a local dog. Of course that is a good thing as it means there are not as many waiting in shelters to be adopted; yet, it does seem to mean people are not able to have the companionship of a dog as easily.Puppies always look bouncy and happy, yet what are they thinking? If you knew!!A senior dog might be calmer, or not, and may have some health issues.Whether it is a puppy or a senior, your dog has a job, and it is a big one. You in return give him or her love and a place to live and food to eat, and your company. Many dogs, all of our dogs, have wonderful lives with the humans.If you acquired or adopted a puppy, well I think you know you have lots of work ahead. If you get a senior, you may face illness in the pet sooner.If or when your pet gets ill, they really need our love and understanding and we need to be very careful not to be sad for them and around them. We need to show them we are happy. This became so clear to me last year. A friend of mine had a dog with terminal cancer. She did not seem to be suffering and she was managing to walk around on her leg where the cancer had shown itself. Yet she got weaker, and she still wanted to walk with her man, be there for her man. He, and when I visited, I did too; became very sad as we knew her days were numbered. Yet he had a veterinarian we know visit the house and with her help we could see that we needed to be stronger, and make her feel safe and comfortable, be happy around her, and not be sad. This changed our attitude and we could see the change in her as well. The last few months of her life were months my friend will always remember knowing his dog was living each day in a warm and happy home. Man and dog enjoyed each day as much as was possible in her last months, rather than feeling the sadness that was inevitable with her passing.Citizen Canine Companion Guardian of the year: That is all of us! As well as that, in particular this year I would like to make mention of the man I just referred to. He has many times looked after Smyth for me when I have gone on “gad about”. Gordon, the human, over the more than 30 years I have known him has had 13 dogs share his home. He has often adopted dogs in their senior years, and they have all lived very good lives with him. He has a soothing calming way with dogs. Several of his dogs have been adopted through Dogwood rescue. His current dog Harris, from Dogwood, is 15.5 and he has been with Gordon now almost a year. I don’t get to see them very much these days, however I did have Harris visit in September, and I saw the change in him since his arrival. He is calmer, and seems more interested and aware than he was when I first met him in January. Also Gordon has a love of all dogs and an affinity to hounds, greyhounds in particular. He has rescued five greyhounds with the oldest one being 15 and having almost two more bonus senior years with him. His most recent greyhound was Honey, she was young when adopted and lived a good long life to her senior years with him. She shares a space on the Cherry lane fence with another of his companions Cole. Greyhounds from the track, rescued often come with some issues or learning. They may not be familiar with glass doors, steps, some may not have been on furniture, some not familiar with other pets. They need time and love to adapt.Smyth has known Gordon now more than 10 years, and he has met, known, hung-out with, and walked with many dogs.Masks/bandanas: We still have a few really nice face masks. They are breathable and great to wear when you walk your dog, or out and about outside. If you are like me you may find at times, just too much touching to get one on around the ears, and hold on to my dog. You put it on over your head and leave it loosely around your neck, until you need it, then you pull it up over your face. They are very breathable, and light. We are selling them at cost ($17.) while our supply lasts. We had them made by Coastal Reign. I love my CCC logo. My logo is exactly what I wanted; a combination of my art work and the design skills of my niece and graphic artist Melissa Rodgers.This is our really cool Logo. Yes that is Smyth, stylized, not his actual colour of course.T shirts: We have t shirts with our logo for people and one for dogs. They can be printed on demand by Coastal Reign. We are still looking for the perfect dog vest on which to have our logo. Seems our logo would not do well embroidered, and heat press is only good on certain fabrics. Who knew this would be such a challenge!!Newsletter name: We have chosen the name Paws for Love for our newsletter. We may from time to time add in chapters under The Smithsonian Bark, Furpose, and The Society Dog.Contest. Best picture contest. Jack “they used to call me bacon”-. His photo by the fence was posted on his Instagram account and was our first entry and only entry. The prize is a portrait of Jack on canvas, by Margaret. New contest for best picture of your dog or cat by his or her portrait on the fence, or person if your dog or cat is not with us now, is open now until April 1 2021.We had asked you to vote on a favourite dog or cat on the fences, not your own. Well we could not choose a favourte because no one voted. I think we all love them and there can’t be a favourite.Tell people about the fence: I often see a group of small children being walked with their day care workers by the fence. The children know every dog name and they say hello to each of them. And when they see me and Smyth they say hello to him too.Recently some others contacted me about the fence wanting to have their dog or cat on. One had just heard about it, another wanted to surprise her husband for Christmas with a painting on the fence. Another told me she has taken many friends by to see the fence. It makes me very happy to know how much people enjoy the fences. Yet it makes me sad to have to say I cannot paint their dog on a fence right now, because I don’t have one!News: About Willie: Some of you may know of Willie. She has been with Lynn Radbourne since October 2018 and in August this year we came to say goodbye to her. (Picture below is Willie and Bertie) She has now gone to more training on Vancouver Island with VICD (Vancouver Island Compassionate Dogs). Lynn tells me she has passed her training with them, and now starts the year-long training with her forever home. “She has been a wonderful girl to raise. I know she’s going to do extremely well in her new life.” LRLynn is getting another puppy by the end of January. She will be a black lab. She is “the only black girl in a litter of 10 pups…all the rest were blonde girls and black boys”.LRA thank you to Lynn: Many of you know that the fence projects started for the love of the dog, to promote their importance, and when I met Lynn I realized the fences were also to be for another cause. I am happy that the fences and the money raised have contributed to the B C and Alberta Guide Dog puppy sponsorship program and each time someone walks by the fence, not only do they see all the dogs and cats, and perhaps their own, they see a guide dog, there are 8 on the two fences. People that were not aware of the wonderful work of BCAGD, and the puppy raising program, have become aware. And that is because of Lynn. It is also because of Lynn that I had the focus to finish the fence and start another and to start this Not for Profit society. Thank you Lynn, and Siku and Freeman, and all the other dogs.News about Bertie: Well, I think you know she is pregnant. And she is about to be a mother. Her litter is expected to arrive soon. I just heard from Judy Kingston her person.“Bertie is due on Christmas Day. Her ultrasound showed at least 6 puppies. “JKJudy says Bertie will have an x ray this week and more will be known then.Being a puppy raiser is such a commitment and dedication. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the wonderful people like Lynn that take on this role. I was invited to attend a training session some time ago last year, and was able to see little Bertie in action there. She was with her puppy raiser Judy.Each one of the puppies goes through training at several levels, and can go on to receive more training to become a guide dog for the blind, a service dog for someone on the autism spectrum, or for post traumatic stress disorder. If you are interested in helping please check out www.bcandalbertaguidedogs/volunteer and www.bcandalbertaguidedogs/sponsorapuppyAn exhibition: An image from the fence will be part of a photo exhibition. I was interviewed about the fence the other day by Oana Capota the Museum Curator. I was happy to mention that people see the faces and it makes them happy, and right now we all need a bit of happy.“The New Westminster Museum and Archives will feature an image of Fur Faces on Fences in a photo exhibition about New Westminster’s response to Covid, opening in January 2021. The museum curator learned about the fences during walks down all the streets and lanes of New Westminster during the pandemic, and appreciated the outdoor gallery open to all during this time.More information will be available on the museum’s webpage as the exhibit develops (see curator also invites the public to share stories about how the dogs and cats on the fences brightened up their walks in 2020. Please email to tell your story.” OCFuture plans: More fences, Art shows, Contest, CCC of the year, Calendar, Walks.An idea from my niece Melissa is an AOP. Yes I did not know what that was either. It is an all over print. I have been giving it lots of thought and research. All the dogs from the fence. All the dogs I have painted for people. All the dogs and cats I have known. As a scarf, a t shirt, a cover? To be determined.Charity supported- BC and Alberta Guide Dogs and Dogs for Autism Check out their web site at“My dogs and cats on fence projects raise money for the BC and Alberta Guide Dogs and Dogs for Autism.” MHWriter and Editor – Margaret Halsey

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Citizen Canine Companion Society newsletter
Date Created 12/15/2020 mhalsey # of Ratings 0 # of Views 3420 # of Comments 0
Newsletter for Citizen Canine Companion society
Fur Faces on Fences in Cultural crawl 2020
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Date Created 10/14/2020 mhalsey # of Ratings 1 # of Views 10526 # of Comments 0
Over 100 faces on fences. dogs and cats. painted for the love of the dog To raise money for BC and Alberta Guide dogs The painting is the work of Margaret Halsey artist.
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