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Honey we love you run free and be happy
This article is rated as high quality
Date Created 6/15/2018 mhalsey # of Ratings 1 # of Views 8993 # of Comments 0
memorial to the lovely greyhound Honey. died May 31 2018. she was 13
Charlie on the fence
This article is rated as high quality
Date Created 4/27/2016 mhalsey # of Ratings 1 # of Views 7256 # of Comments 0
Charlie, the lovely Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is painted on the fence. this is in his memory
Bye Bye Dizzy
Date Created 6/6/2015 mhalsey # of Ratings 0 # of Views 5541 # of Comments 0
saying goodbye to Dizzy, at 20
The lovely Gabby
Date Created 1/12/2015 mhalsey # of Ratings 0 # of Views 6399 # of Comments 0
memorial tribute for Gabby