I heard about this web site on the news. This is very similar to Bowwowwowmeow concept of finding people to help each other with dog sitting and walking.
It is different in that is also allows the members an opportunity to post a picture of their pet.
it is different also in that Part Time Pooch will connect those that want dogs on a part-time basis, with those that have dogs and are looking for help with the walking, and also possible boarding options.
therefor this not only provides an opportunity or those that have dogs, to find others that may want to walk or board their dogs for the love of it, but also an opportunity for those that love dogs and do not have the time for full time, to enjoy the company of dog part time.
the overall concept is the same as in bowwowwowmeow
in that is
finding people to help each other.
check them out at parttimepooch
I just went on the site and saw some lovely dogs, if I had extra time I would want to walk. O dear no, I have enough with my dog. and that is one of the reasons I created bowwowwowmeow
at Bowwowwowmeow you can join, and if you are interested in helping with dog sitting, or need a dog sitter yourself, you can provide your information and we will search the membership for a dog sitter, or someone who wants to exchange dog services. as we grow, you will be able to find someone in your neighbourhood.
Go to parttimepooch
or bowwowwowmeow and
let's work together