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July dogs



There is a dog called the July hound. According to my research it dates back to the 1800.  Col  Myles Harris  was on a trip to buy mules and was invited to a fox hut, by the mule trader, an avid for hunter.

He was so taken by the dogs that he went to the breeder in Maryland to buy a pup. He bought two and he called one Mary and one July, because it was in the month of July that it happened.


According to a book written by Sarah Strahan, called American Foxhunting, an Endangered Sport, -

“The male pup had small thick ears which set rather high. His eyes were prominent and dark, with red toenails and round cat-like feet. His back was dark with a little sprinkle of gray with sides and flanks of a grayish color and bright tan inner legs.”


The dog became a very good fox hunter, and was a sought after stud dog.


Who knew. Not me, but now I do.

Apparently some types of hunting hounds are still referred to as the July hound, and or the Henry hound. Why didn’t they get called the Harris hound I wonder.


You can find more about this at http://www.huntingdawgs.com/hd1_july_hound_history.html


To find out what is going on re dog events a great site to go to us BringFido


I read about Bach Flower remedies for pets and people on BringFido. This event is in Aldergrove.  It sounds interesting. My Dalmatian benefited from the use of Bach remedy. This course it taught by Sara Brune of Inner Harmony Healing. http://www.bachflowerscanada.com/


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